Letter of the Day: G for Germs, S for Soap, T for Teeth
Science Project:Glitter Germs
Arts and Crafts:Baked Germs, Tissue Faces, Blow Paint Germs
Music:Wash Your Hands
Value: 1 Cor 3:16, Care of Body
Day One:
Focus- Germs
Book-Germs Are Not for Sharing
Talk About-how germs are tiny and can't be seen, can make us sick, how they are passed around
Math-use pom poms to do size sorting, Practice counting Germs on the Hand
Drama-Pretend to be a “germ detective” and use a magnifying glass to examine your child’s hands and teeth. Give him a “secret mission” to wash his hands or brush his teeth
Practice/Memory Work-Use imagination to draw what they think a germ looks like
Media Helps-Apps, Interview-Blue-Germ, What Germs Look like
Day Two:
Focus- Soap
Book-Wash, Scrub, Brush
Talk About-How Soap helps us get rid of germs and how staying clean helps us to be happy and healthy
Math-Toothbrush Shape Match,
Drama- Use plastic baby doll or toy and container with water and practice "taking a bath"
Practice/Memory Work-Cutting and Glue Practice
Media Helps-I Will Not Take a Bath
Day Three:
Focus- Healthy Body
Book-Germs Make Me Sick
Talk About-How we can keep our bodies healthy with good food, dental care, exercise, keeping clean, wearing proper clothing
Drama-Use Mr. Potato Head to act out healthy habits
Practice/Memory Work-Matching, Draw the letters of the alphabet on piece on some construction paper and let your child trace over each letter with a toothbrush, let them cut pictures from the ads to make a healthy food collage, Do some ABC Yoga
Media Helps- Germs, Germ Wars
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