
To a parent such as myself, an education is the culmination of all the skills, knowledge, and experience that my child possesses.  This education is all for one purpose: To facilitate a healthy person.  Many define education as learning how to learn.  Yet this definition is incomplete to a parent, for we wish our children to know not only how to learn, but also how to use their knowledge.  We wish for them to be happy and well balanced.  Parents are responsible for not only education of scholastic subjects, but in all subjects of life.  We define health as a state of complete physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  
In order to achieve this kind of health we have chosen to adopt a scholastic curriculum based on the Classical Learning Model outlined by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer in The Well-Trained Mind.  We have expanded on their model to include our own great books list, and historical timeline of significant events.  The result is a historical timeline guided unit-study approach to scholastic learning.
In addition to the scholastic curriculum special interest and instruction will be given to enriching the foundations for a healthy body, spiritual life, emotional life, and social life.  We believe that knowledge and skills relating to these important aspects of life are skimmed over or ignored in today's schools and that parents are best equipped to teach the building blocks of health in these aspects.
We acknowledge that not all of the aspects covered in this exploration are possible for every person to achieve perfection in, but by classifying and striving for knowledge, experience, and skills in every aspect of our lives each person is capable of improving their circumstance and achieving greater excellence.

More Interesting Philosophy Reading:
Critique on Classical Education
The Importance of Literature